About Me

Like the month - but better


December 21, 1992 | Birth
My name may be Aprile, but I was born in December. I may be Filipino, but my name is probably my mother’s ode to her love of Italy. I’m thankful for minimal themed websites, because it makes everyone’s lives look a lot cleaner and less distraught than they actually are. I like balance.

June 18, 2014 | Western Graduation
I came, I learned, I conquered. I have my degree sitting pretty somewhere in my room, but what school has taught me is that education is more than just books – it’s about community, collaboration, and that laundry is king.

August 6, 2015 | 1-year “Big Girl Job” Anniversary
I’ve had an awesome first year experience in the “working world” beingĀ a Marketing Specialist for an art gallery. My worlds of media and art collided, and it was a beautiful thing. But now that it’s finished, it’s time to do other neat things with my life.

2016 |
I want to grow as a designer, be a smarter marketer, and make you feel things.

I’ve learned a lot – thank you for having me:

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